* Load WP Job Manager's default hooks.
* @hooked single_job_listing_meta_start
* @hooked single_job_listing_meta_end
* @hooked single_job_listing_meta_after
IQ & EQ Education (Double Bay Residences)
JC, Primary, Secondary
IQ & EQ Education Services is an established MOE-registered tuition centre focusing on the East side of Singapore, as well as the Punggol area.
Subject offered in Primary
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Chinese
- Malay
Subject offered in secondary
- English
- E Mathematics
- A Mathematics
- Science
- Chinese
- Pure Physics
- Pure Chemistry
- Principles of Accounts
- Pure Biology
- Malay
- Social Studies
- History
- Geography
Subject offered in JC
- H1 gp
- H1 Chinese
- H2 Mathematics
- H2 Physics
- H2 Chemistry
- H2 Economics